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MIS Hip Joint Replacement provides several potential benefits to patients, including less time in the hospital, a shorter recovery time, and minimal scarring. .1,3


Hip replacement surgery involves replacing a damaged joint with a prosthesis made of metal alloys or high-quality plastic. This type of procedure, which has been performed since the 1960s, can help your joint return to full function. Over the years, this procedure has had a 90 percent success rate..2


“The sooner you get it done, the better you’ll feel and the more your life will change.”

— Carl Savino, 52

Stryker Hip Replacement Recipient

Minimally Invasive Surgery

MIS Hip Joint Replacement requires only a small incision, which avoids causing soft tissue trauma.

Potential Advantages

The small incision avoids contact with any of the muscles and tendons surrounding the hip, which allows for a faster, more natural recovery and less scarring. 1,3

Risks Associated with Minimally Invasive Surgery

Any surgical procedure comes with risks. Even though MIS Hip Joint Replacement is a minimally invasive procedure, it is a major surgery.

Your surgeon will do whatever it takes to avoid significant risks, and complications are rare, but it is important that you understand the potential risks before the procedure.

In some cases, the replaced joint might not function properly. More serious complications, like joint infection, might happen, but they occur in less than 2%, of patients. 4



  1. Wenz, James F., MD, Gurkan, Ilksen, MD, Jibodh, Stefan R., MD, “Mini-Incision Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Comparative Assessment of Perioperative Outcomes,” Orthopedics Magazine, 2002.
  2. National Development Conference, National Institutes of Health, December 2003.
  3. Keggi, Kristaps J., “Total Hip Arthroplasty Through a Minimally Invasive Anterior Surgical Approach,” JBJS, Vol. 85-A, 2003.
  4. Hanssen, A.D., et al., “Evaluation and Treatment of Infection at the Site of Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty,” JBJS, Vol. 80-A, No. 6, June 1998, pp. 910-922.
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